
FDA Food Registration

FDA Food Registration

The FDA's regulatory agency for food, agricultural products, and seafood is the Center for Food Safety and Nutrition (CFASAN), whose responsibility is to ensure that American food supply is safe, clean, fresh, and clearly labeled.

Food certification

The food supervised by the center imports $240 billion annually, of which $15 billion belongs to imported food. The main monitoring focuses of the center include:

1. Freshness of food;

2. Food additives;

3. Food biotoxins and other harmful ingredients;

4. Seafood safety analysis;

5. Food labeling;

6. Tracking and warning after food is launched

According to the anti-terrorism law passed by the United States Congress in 2003, food companies outside the United States must register with the FDA before exporting to the United States and provide shipping notifications to the FDA at the time of export. Foreign food production and processing companies that must register with the FDA under Public Law 107-188 of the United States are as follows:

1. Alcohol and alcoholic beverages;

2. Infant and children's food;

3. Bread and pastry category;

4. Beverages;

5. Candy (including chewing gum);

6. Cereals and ready-to-eat cereals;

7. Cheese and cheese products;

8. Chocolate and cocoa based foods;

9. Coffee and tea products;

10. Food pigments;

11. Regular weight loss foods, medicinal foods, and meat substitutes;

12. Supplementary foods (i.e. domestic health foods, vitamin drugs, and Chinese herbal products);

13. Seasonings;

14. Fish and seafood;

15. Materials, substances, and products placed in or directly in contact with food;

16. Food additives and safe ingredients for food products;

17. Food sugar substitutes;

18. Fruits and fruit products;

19. Edible glue, lactase, pudding, and filling;

20. Ice cream and related foods;

21. Imitation dairy products;

22. Macaroni and noodles;

23. Meat, meat products, and poultry products;

24. Milk, butter, and dried dairy products;

25. Dinner food and marinades, sauces, and specialty products;

26. Dried fruits and kernels;

27. Eggs and egg products with shells;

28. Dim sum (flour, meat and vegetables);

29. Chili peppers, specialty foods, and salt;

30. Soup;

31. Soft drinks and canned water;

32. Vegetables and vegetable products;

33. Vegetable oil (including olive oil);

34. Vegetable protein products (square meat products);

35. Whole wheat food and flour processed food, starch, etc;

36. Products primarily or entirely intended for human consumption.

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