
Ontario Registration

Ontario TSSA Registration




TSSA registration

TSSA is the abbreviation for Technical Standards&Safety Authority and is the Technical Standards and Safety Agency of Ontario, Canada. Responsible for safety certification services in areas such as pressure vessels, entertainment equipment, filler registration, and fuel.

The 'Upholsted and Stuffed Articles Program' of the Technical Standards and Safety Act protects the public from potential hazards associated with the use of cushion and filler products sold in the Ontario market.

We ensure that domestic and foreign manufacturers, refurbishers, and home product enthusiasts only use brand new and clean fillers in their products, and correctly label the ingredients of the fillers on labels for public reference.

Our goal is to protect consumers from counterfeit soft cushions and fillers, and to provide manufacturers and retailers with a high level of business platform.

Inspection services

TSSA conducts random surprise inspections on manufacturers, refurbishers, home product enthusiasts, importers/distributors, retailers, and suppliers of cushion and filler products. This requires sampling inspection of the materials contained in product accessories and finished products to ensure that the product meets the requirements of current regulations for soft cushions and fillers.

If it is found that the product does not meet safety standards, TSSA may file a lawsuit against the individual and/or company involved under the Ontario Criminal Code.

Registration Information

If you wish to sell cushion or filler products in the Ontario market, please ensure that the manufacturer of such products is registered.

Please note that agents, importers/distributors, and retailers do not have registration qualifications, but can register on behalf of manufacturers.

Once a registration number is issued, the product must be labeled with the correct release label, indicating the manufacturer's license number and filler ingredients.

Label Format

All cushion and filler products sold in Ontario must be labeled in a predetermined format in accordance with Ontario Regulations 218/01 (Cushion and Filler Products). Refer to Part 22, Ontario Regulations 218/01 (Cushion and Filler Products)

According to Ontario Regulations 218/01 (Cushion and Filler Products):

'Form 1- Manufacturer label' refers to the labeling requirements for furniture and bedding products;

'Form 2- Manufacturer label' refers to the labeling requirements for clothing and other products;

'Form 3- Manufacturer label' refers to the labeling requirements for toys and small products;

Label requirements

The label must be firmly affixed to the product.

The label must be located in a prominent area so that consumers can easily read the ingredients contained in the product.

The label must be made of durable white fabric or synthetic materials, such as high-density polyethylene synthetic paper or polyester film. Do not use paper.

It must be printed in black ink.

Fillers must be declared according to commonly used names. The most commonly used ingredient declaration list and filler schedule must be included

If multiple fillers are used, the label must first list the maximum content of the fillers in descending order.

Label Approval Service

The Upholsted and Stuffed Articles Program provides optional label approval services to help reduce non compliant items in retail.

Common ingredient declaration

Chinese, English, and French

Buckwheat Hulls

Coques de Sarrasin

Cellulose Fibres

Fibres de Cellulose





Coconut Fibres

Fibres de Noix de Coco

Cotton Fibres

Fibres de Coton

Cotton Felt

Feutre de Coton

Crushed Walnut Shells

Coquilles de Noix Moulues

Deer Hair

Crin de Cerf

Down and Feathers

Duvet et Plumes




Duvet D'eider

Feathers and Down

Plumes et Duvet



Flax Seed

Graines de Lin

Horse Hair

Crin de Chaval

Iron Pellets

Billes de Fer

Iron Shavings

Copeau de Fer

Kapok Fibres

Fibres de Kapok

Latex Foam

Mousse de Latex



Nut Shells

Coquilles de Noix

Nylon Fibres

Fibres de Nylon

Plastic Beads

Grains de Plastique

Plastic Pellets

Billes de Plastique





Polyester Fibres

Fibres de Polyester

Polycellulosic Fibres

Fibres de Poly Cellucose

Polyethylene Beads

Grains de polyéthylène

Polyethylene Foam

Mousse de polyéthylène

Polyethylene Pellets

Billes de polyéthylène

Polyethylene Vinyl Acetate

Vinyle polyéthylène d'acétate

Polypropylene Foam

Mousse de polypropylène

Polystyrene Beads

Grains de polystyrène

Polystyrene Foam

Mousse de polyuréthane

Polyurethane Foam

Mousse de polypropylène

Polyvinyl Acetate Beads

Grains d'acetate de Polyvinyl

Polyvinyl Acetate Pellets

Billes d'acetate de Polyvinyl

Polyvinyl Chloride Beads

Grains de Chlorure Polyvinylique








Sciure de Bois









White label service

The white label seen on cushion and filler products indicates that they can be legally sold in the Ontario market. This indicates that the filler composition of the product meets the signature requirements and ensures that only new materials are used. It also indicates the manufacturer's registration number. The label must be firmly affixed to all soft cushion and filler products.


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