
Sterilization test


The National Health and Family Planning Commission requires that before the first and second types of disinfection products are launched for the first time, they must conduct health and safety evaluations themselves or entrust a third party. Only qualified disinfection products can be launched for sale. The health and safety evaluation items include: disinfectant inspection items, disinfection equipment inspection items, indicator inspection items, sterilization packaging inspection items, and anti (antibacterial) agent inspection items. Government units need to queue up for filing and application, and the cycle is too long, which can affect the launch of new products. Weibo Technology provides professional filing and application services for customers, with strong technical support and cycle advantages, providing efficient guarantee for customer product launch.

Testing field

Category of registered testing products

Popular products


Hands, skin, mucous membranes, dining utensils

Fruits and vegetables, drinking water, swimming pool water

Hospital sewage and air

Medical devices and supplies

(Sterilization and high-level disinfection, medium level disinfection, low-level disinfection)

General object surfaces and fabrics, others

Guanidine disinfectant

Coverage Plus NPD

Iodine containing disinfectant

chlorine dioxide disinfectant

Peroxide disinfectant

Glutaraldehyde type disinfectants

Ethanol disinfectant
Phenolic disinfectants
Bromine containing disinfectant

Other new disinfectants

Antifungal agent

Skin, mucosa, vagina

Botanical component antifungal agent

Chemical component antibacterial (inhibitory) agents


Women's menstrual hygiene products, contact lens care products, diapers and other excreta hygiene products, and other disposable hygiene products

disposable diaper

sanitary towel


Testing items

Product category

Testing items

Testing standards



Determination of active ingredient content

PH measurement

stability test 

Continuous use stability test

Determination of lead, arsenic, and mercury

Metal corrosion test

Determination of Microbial Killing Effect in the Laboratory

Simulated on-site testing or on-site testing

Toxicological safety testing

Overall performance test

Disinfection Technical Specifications 2002 Edition

Corresponding national standards for various disinfectants

Enterprise standards for filing by each enterprise





Determination of active ingredient content

stability test 

PH measurement

Disinfection Technical Specifications 2002 Edition

GB 15979-2002 Hygienic Standard for Disposable Sanitary Products

Enterprise standards for filing by each enterprise

Microbial indicators:

Total number of bacterial colonies

Coliform group

Total number of fungal colonies

Pathogenic pyogenic bacteria

Kill (inhibit) microbial indicators:

Escherichia coli killing (inhibition) test

Staphylococcus aureus killing (inhibition) test

Candida albicans killing (inhibition) test

Other Microbial Killing (Inhibition) Tests

Toxicological indicator detection


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