
IC certification (Canada)


Summary of Certification Content


As a government agency, it sets testing standards for analog and digital terminal equipment, is responsible for the certification of electronic and electrical products entering the Canadian market, and stipulates that imported electronic products must pass EMC certification.

Its main products include broadcasting and television equipment, information technology equipment, radio equipment, telecommunications equipment, engineering and medical equipment, etc. Similar to the FCC in the United States, IC currently only limits electromagnetic interference.

What are the relevant standards for IC certification?

ICES-001: Analog Device

ICES-003: Digital Terminal Equipment

RSS Series: Transmitting and Receiving Devices

Canada mandatory certification, accepting FCC certificates.

IC is the English abbreviation for Industry Canada, which is a testing standard for analog and digital terminal equipment set by the Canadian Department of Industry. It stipulates that imported electronic products must pass EMC certification. Therefore, IC certification is a passport for electronic and electrical products to enter the Canadian market.

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