
Disney factory inspection

Disney factory inspection

一、Disney Factory Self Inspection Form

1. What is the minimum working age set by the factory?

2. Is there a work experience enhancement training program for school-age children?

3. Are there any restrictions on workers under the age of 18?

4. What measures does the factory adopt to determine the age of workers?

5. Are all workers willing to work? How does the factory ensure that all workers work voluntarily?

6. Are there any prisoners or workers appointed by the military or local government in the factory?

7. Are workers free to leave the factory after work?

8. Is the security guard solely responsible for the safety of the factory's property and operations? If so, what are their responsibilities?

9. How are workers recruited?

10. What punishment mechanism will be adopted for workers' improper behavior or poor performance?

11. Is the recruitment of the factory based on age, gender, race, sexual orientation, political affiliation, and nationality?

12. What is the minimum wage for skilled workers? Non skilled workers?

13. How are workers' wages paid? Cash, bank transfers, checks, etc

14. Are workers paid by piece, hourly, or monthly wages?

15. Do workers need to clock in to work?

16. How often is the salary paid?

17. Is there a deduction for workers' wages? What deductions are there? How are they archived?

18. Do any workers owe money to the company?

19. What allowances or subsidies does the factory provide for workers? Housing subsidies, meals, transportation expenses, healthcare expenses, childcare expenses, sick leave wages, emergency leave, maternity leave, menstrual leave, paid annual leave, religious holidays, social insurance, etc?

20. Are allowances or benefits included in the minimum wage?

21. Is there a dividend plan?

22. Are workers paid during the training period?

Is there any overtime pay for overtime?

24. How long does one have to work continuously before taking a break?

25. How long does the factory work?

26. How many shifts does the factory have? How long does each shift work?

27. How to calculate overtime pay?

28. What is the average weekly overtime for workers?

29. What are the normal working hours per day?

30. What is the maximum working hours per week for workers?

31. Do workers have time for meals every day?

32. Do workers have time to rest every day? If so, how many times a day, and how long each time

Can workers take their work home to do?

34. Does the factory have a first aid kit?

Does the factory have trained first responders?

Does the factory provide training on health and safety for workers?

Does the factory have fire extinguishers or sprinkler systems?

Do buildings with more than two floors have escape routes?

39. Are workers provided with free protective equipment?

40. Are workers restricted from drinking water?

41. How many fully functional restrooms are there in the factory? How many toilets are there for men and women?

Does the factory have a ventilation and lighting system?

Is there a supervisor present for each shift on all floors? How many supervisors are there per shift?

44. Are workers allowed to join trade unions?

45. Are worker dormitories provided? If so, is it owned by the factory or leased outside?

46. How many dormitories are there? How many workers live in each building?

47. How many workers live in each room?

48. What is the occupancy space for each worker?

49. Are male and female dormitories separated?

50. Do each worker have their own bed?

51. Are evacuation plans and signs posted in the dormitory?

Are there fire extinguishers on all floors of the dormitory?

Is there an escape route for dormitories higher than two floors?

54. Are explosive materials stored in dormitories or factories connected to dormitories?

Have fire drills been held in the dormitory?

56. What are the number of male and female toilets?

57. Are canteens and laundry facilities provided?

Does the factory deduct the following fees? Accommodation, meals, and transportation expenses?

Is there any control over entering and exiting the dormitory?

Is there a curfew?

61. Can employees freely enter the dormitory?

62. Are employees free to use drinking water?

63. What measures does the factory take in terms of environmental protection (wastewater treatment, air purification, and hazardous material treatment)?

64. Is there any outsourcing? If there is any outsourcing, please provide detailed information?

65. Do you purchase from individual businesses or groups?


二、Disney Factory Inspection Training Standards

1. What is the age of the youngest worker in this facility?

2. Are there any work experience programs for school age children?

3. Are there restrictions for workers under 18?

4. What procedures does this facility have in place to verify the age of the employees?

5. Are all employees voluntarily working in this facility?

What procedures does this facility has to ensure employees are working voluntarily?

6. Are there any workers in this facility that are prisoners, have been assigned by the military, or any other branch of government?

7. Are employees free to leave when their work shift ends?

8. Are guards posted only for normal security reasons?

If so, what are their basic duties?

9. How are employees recruited (i.e. newspaper ad, agent, contract?)

10. How are employees disciplined for misconduct or poor performance?

11. Do you restrict employment by age, race, ethic group, religion, gender, sexual, orientation, political affiliation, and/or national origin?

12. What is the lowest wage paid by this contractor for trained (i.e. production) employees? For untrained (i.e. janitors, trainees) employees?

13. How are employees paid? (cash/check/autopay/other)

14. How is the pay rate calculated? (per hour/piece rate/per day/other)

15. Is work time documented by a timecard?

16. How often are employees paid? (hourly/weekly/monthly/other)

17. Are there any deductions from employees’ wages?

18. Does any employee owe the Company money?

19. What allowances and benefits are provided to employees in this facility?

(Housing, meals, transportation, and other allowances; health care; child care; sick leave; emergency leave; pregnancy and menstrual leave; vacation; religious and holiday leave; and contributions for social security, life, health, worker’s compensation and other insurance coverage.)

20. Are benefits and/or allowances included in calculating the minimum wage?

21. Are there any incentive plans offered (i.e. bonus)?

22. Are workers paid for training (if applicable)?

23. Do you pay overtime?

24. What is the maximum number of consecutive days?

25. What are the operational hours of this facility?

26. How many work shifts do you run in your facility?

a. How many hours per work shift?

27. How are overtime wages calculated (I.e. weekdays, 1.5x; holidays 2x, etc.)?

28. What is the average number of overtime hours worked per worker each week?

29. What is the maximum number of work hours per day at regular pay?

30. What is the maximum number of hours employees are asked to work in a given week?

31. Do employees have time each day for a meal?

32. Do employees have time each day for breaks?

a. If yes, how many and what is the duration of each break?

33. Do employees take work home?

a. If yes, how are wages for this work determined?

34. Are first aid supplies available in this facility?

35. Are there any medically trained personnel on site?

36. Are safety education / training programs offered (I.e. first aid, etc.)?

37. Do you have fire extinguishers and / or sprinkler systems in this facility?

38. Are fire escapes available for buildings more than one story high?

39. Is personal protective equipment available at no cost to the employee?

40. Do employees have unrestricted access to drinkable water?

41. How many functional toilets does this facility have? (male / female)

42. Do you have ventilation and lighting system?

43. Is there a supervisor on the floor for question?

a. How many supervisors per worker?

44. Do you allow your employees to associate?

45. Do you provide residential facilities for workers?

a. If yes: vendor / licensee controlled facilities / rental units / other?

46. Number of buildings? Number of employees that reside in this dormitory?

47. Average number of employees in a sleeping room?

48. Approximate space (in square meters) per employee in sleeping room?

49. Are sleeping quarters segregated by sex?

50. Are employees provided their own individual mats or sleeping space?

51. Are directions for evacuation in the case of fire or other emergencies posted in all sleeping quarters in the native language?

52. Does this facility have fire extinguishers in all sleeping quarters?

53. Are fire drills conducted?

54. Are combustible materials stored in the dormitories or buildings connected to the dormitories?

55. Number of toilets for employees? (male / female)

56. Are kitchen or laundry facilities provided?

57. Are the employees charged for the following? (sleeping quarters / meals / transportation / other) How much?

58. Is dormitory access controlled?

59. Are there any curfews on employees?

60. Are employees free to come and go as they please?

61. What efforts does the company make in regards to management, air purification, and hazardous materials?

62. Do you out source any of your production?

63. Do you source to individuals, families or collective work group?

a. What articles / components are produced by these workers?

b. How are these workers paid?


三、Disney Factory Audit Process

First meeting

Self introduction and identity confirmation

If the factory does not have Disney's Production Code (COC), briefly introduce the content of the code and provide them with a copy

Understand the basic information of the factory, such as contact person, address, phone number, number of people, production product type, presence or absence of aliases, etc

Ensure that the factory understands the purpose of the audit

Briefly introduce the audit process

Obtain a factory floor plan to ensure inspection of all areas within the factory area

Ensure that the factory requires the provision of audit documents on site

Require management to provide a place for worker interviews

Ask management

Request a list of all chemicals used in the factory


Factory Tour 

Health and safety inspection: Ensure that the working environment of the factory meets the requirements of local and production regulations; Ensure that the factory does not violate environmental regulations

-Fire safety

-Machine safety

-Chemical storage

-First Aid

-Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

1. Eye mask

2. Gloves

3. Earplugs

-Environmental protection

1. United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

2. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

3. Air Quality Management Area (AQMD)

4. Chemical exposure limits

5. Hazardous waste

6. Other potential hazards (air quality, wastewater treatment, pollution, recycling)

-Select workers to participate in the interview

-Identifying suspicious child labor

-Ask questions about suspicious situations

-Workers not working or accelerating work speed

-Vehicles entering and exiting the factory

-Check production process: Is there any subcontracting


Document review

Purpose: To ensure the legality of factory operations; Ensure that the factory complies with local laws and regulations

Document List

1. Work card or attendance record (in the past twelve months)

2. Salary Table (Last Twelve Months)

3. Personnel roster and employee personal files

4. Labor Contract

5. Social insurance receipts, roster, and qualification documents, etc

6. Business License

7. Fire inspection report or qualification certificate document

8. Records of fire drills, emergency evacuation plans, and work-related injury records, etc

9. Environmental proof documents

10. Factory regulations or employee manuals

11. Government documents regarding local minimum wage regulations

12. Equipment Safety License (such as Elevator Use License, Kitchen Hygiene License, etc.)

13. Special workers' work permits (such as hygiene permits for elevator workers, electricians, kitchen workers, etc.)

14. Approval from the local labor bureau for extending overtime

15. Medical examination and labor bureau registration records for underage workers

16. Plant Plan


Child labor verification

-Selecting employees who appear very small during factory inspections

-Spot check in personnel files

-Select 25 workers for interviews

-During the interview process, cross check the personnel files for inconsistent information

-When child labor is discovered (current or historical), the worker's job number, name, birth date, and date of entry must be registered


Worker interviews

Purpose of the interview

Understand the actual operation of the factory from the perspective of workers

Obtaining information that cannot be obtained through other processes and checking the consistency of files

Gain a deeper understanding of abnormal areas

Interview Questionnaire (EIQ)

Number of workers interviewed=25% of the total number of workers in the factory, but not exceeding 25 workers

Expand the number of interviews

Discovered violations require a deeper understanding, such as home work, false accounting books, etc

When there is a discrepancy between the worker's identification documents and their actual answers


Selection Procedure

50% of workers are selected during factory inspections

-Young workers

-Select from all departments

-If conditions permit, gender ratio should be equal and race should be equal

-Workers in hazardous positions

-50% of workers are selected from payroll, job cards, and document reviews

-Workers who work overtime

-Low wage workers

-Teenage workers

-Veteran worke


Not publicly available

The interview must be conducted one-on-one in the absence of management personnel, and group interviews are not allowed


Workers participating in the interview must be informed that all interview content is confidential, and the name of the worker who reflects the issue cannot appear on the report


Interview Techniques

Friendly - this makes workers relaxed and open-minded

EIQ as a guide, but not limited to face-to-face questions

Different countries have different problems with workers. For example, Honduras focuses on child labor, Mexico focuses on pregnancy testing, China focuses on overtime, and Türkiye is a place for prayer.


Last meeting

Notify management that the review has been completed

Returning borrowed documents for review

Thank you for their support and cooperation in reviewing salaries

Explain the discovered issues, answer factory questions, and write an improvement plan confirmation report (CAPAR)

Educate and provide best operational guidelines for improvement, helping factories meet the requirements of the code


四、Disney's latest list of fire violations

In the latest version of the Global Labor Standards Program (ILS), Disney has listed a series of MCS examples. In addition to conventional violations such as child labor, involuntary labor, coercion and harassment, discrimination, freedom of association, and subcontracting, the biggest change is the three MCS violations that keep up with the times, as follows:


Key fire violations

Conditions in factories (including dormitories) that may cause direct serious injury or death to employees or the public, including but not limited to the following examples:

-Emergency exits are locked or blocked.

-Insufficient number of necessary emergency exits.

-Emergency evacuation drills were not conducted regularly.

In addition, any three or more non critical fire violations will also be equivalent to Critical Violations (MCS). In order to help you better understand this issue, here are more Disney fire violations organized by the editor. Come and see if your factory has unfortunately stepped on the line:

-Always keep all emergency exits unlocked and unblocked. The emergency exit door must be a side hinged door, and the opening direction must be consistent with the escape direction.

-Provide sufficient emergency exits and escape stairs (minimum of two) to ensure that all employees upstairs and downstairs can evacuate quickly.

-Any emergency exit door that cannot be accessed from the outside but can be opened from the inside through a switch (such as a door with a plug or push rod) must ensure that it does not require any special knowledge or skills, external force, time delay, keys or tools to open

-Any automatic emergency exit door must ensure normal operation in a power outage state or be manually opened without external force during an emergency state to ensure personnel escape.

-Ensure that there are no debris, objects, equipment, or any obstacles that may hinder employees from seeing the exit signs and/or quickly reaching the exit for smooth escape around the emergency exit door and the escape path leading to the exit.

-Ensure that the escape route is clearly marked on the ground and meets the escape conditions - the passage should not be too narrow, and there should be no debris, debris, or any objects that may affect the escape.

-Ensure that the escape staircase is unobstructed at all times, the passage should not be too narrow, and no materials, debris, or other objects that may affect escape should be placed to obstruct it.

-Ensure that all emergency exits leading to the outside are unobstructed and there are no situations that hinder the full opening of emergency exit doors. The exits are not too close to other buildings to restrict employees from escaping danger, ensuring that employees can smoothly reach a safe area.

-Establish policies and procedures for fire and escape safety under the guidance of local fire agencies; Appoint personnel who have received training on fire safety and evacuation procedures to be responsible for continuous evaluation of fire safety and emergency response, including relevant training and evacuation procedures.

-Complete the emergency evacuation plan, post clear signs, and identify the escape route; Inform employees and provide training on emergency evacuation procedures; And as part of the onboarding training process, provide relevant training to new employees.

-Conduct emergency evacuation drills in accordance with legal requirements and seek support from the local fire department. If there are no local requirements, conduct a fire drill at least once every 6 months throughout the factory, keep records, and regularly evaluate the drill results.

-Ensure that there are no warehouses, production processes, and/or machine placement areas in the dormitory building, whether long-term or temporary.

-Ensure that visible and audible alarm bells, smoke detectors, emergency lights, and emergency exit signs are installed in accordance with legal requirements, and conduct regular testing to ensure their good operation.

-Ensure that sufficient and correct types of fire extinguishers are installed in accordance with legal requirements and are readily available; Conduct monthly inspections to ensure its good operation.

-Ensure that any flammable or combustible materials, such as paint, solvents, and portable gas tanks, are stored away from heat sources or open flames; Relevant personnel should receive training on how to safely use these materials.


五、How to obtain Disney authorized FAMA certificate for factories

Disney requires licensors and suppliers to submit Disney FAMA applications for each factory that must be declared. The Disney FAMA application specifies the name and location of the factory you want to use to produce Disney branded products. You must submit a Disney FAMA application to Disney for each factory that will be used to produce Disney branded products.

If required by additional documents, licensors and suppliers must also submit a qualified pre production ILS review along with Disney FAMA application to demonstrate compliance with MCS requirements.

FAMA issued by Disney

Disney will evaluate each Disney FAMA application based on the information submitted by the licensor or supplier to Disney (or obtained by Disney through other means). If the factory obtains production authorization, Disney will provide Disney issued FAMA to the licensor or supplier. Do not start producing any Disney branded products until you receive the FAMA issued by Disney. The FAMA issued by Disney is also used as a customs clearance document.


How to understand Disney's ILS program? What is Disney ILS review? What is the Disney ILS number?

ILS is an abbreviation for International Labor Standards, commonly understood within the industry as Social Responsibility Factory (Human Rights Factory)

The ILS number is a customs clearance number! It is authorized by DISNEY Company and must pass Disney ILS review to obtain this number! The Disney ILS review is commonly referred to as the Disney Human Rights Factory Inspection.

Walt Disney has established the Global Labor Standards Program (ILS Program) to help all factories that produce their branded products create safe, inclusive, and respectful workplaces. The ILS program is an important component of Walt Disney's corporate citizenship program

It is the responsibility of Disney's licensors or suppliers to ensure that Disney branded products are produced in compliance with the ILS plan, typically through Disney ILS review.

Currently, Disney is gradually transforming its ILS program into a unified requirement for all licensors and suppliers. There is a significant change in the revised Disney ILS plan, which requires all licensors and suppliers to provide pre production factory review reports (ILS review reports) and regular ongoing factory review reports (ILS review reports) in accordance with the provisions of this ILS plan manual. The purpose is to provide Disney and its authorized agents and suppliers with a clearer understanding of the working conditions at Disney brand product production sites. When Disney requires licensors and suppliers to comply with this requirement, they will be notified. Unless otherwise specified in this ILS Program Manual, licensors and suppliers are not required to regularly provide factory review reports (ILS review reports) before receiving notification.


六、Disney Manufacturer's Code of Conduct

Our colleagues at Walt Disney Company promise:

Implement excellence standards in all business areas and around the world·

Strictly adhere to professional ethics and be responsible in all operations and behaviors·

Respect the rights of everyone; And pay attention to environmental protection·

We expect all manufacturers of Disney products to keep the same promise. We require all manufacturers of Disney products to meet at least the following standards:

Child labor

Manufacturers shall not employ child labor.

The term 'child' refers to individuals under the age of (or according to local regulations), or those under the higher minimum legal employment age set by the local regulations, or those under the age of completing national compulsory education.

Even if the teenagers employed by the manufacturer do not meet the definition of children mentioned above, they must still comply with any relevant laws and regulations regarding such individuals.

Non volunteer labor

Manufacturers shall not employ any forced or involuntary labor, whether it is prison labor, slave labor, contract labor, or other labor.

Coercion and harassment

The manufacturer will grant dignity and respect to each employee and shall not use corporal punishment, violent threats, or other forms of physical, sexual, psychological, or head abuse.

Non discrimination

Manufacturers shall not discriminate in their employment and employment practices, including in terms of wages, benefits, promotion, punishment, termination, or retirement, based on race, religion, age, nationality, social or ethnic group, sexual preference, gender, political opinion, or disability.


Manufacturers will respect employees' right to form associations, organize themselves, and engage in collective bargaining in a legal and peaceful manner, without any punishment or intervention.

Health and Safety

The manufacturer will provide employees with a safe and healthy workplace in accordance with all relevant laws and regulations, and ensure that they have at least reasonable access to drinking water and sanitation facilities; Fire safety; And adequate lighting and ventilation manufacturers will also ensure that the same health and safety standards are implemented when providing any housing for employees.


We expect manufacturers to recognize that wages are essential for meeting the basic needs of employees. Manufacturers should at least comply with all relevant laws and regulations regarding wages and working hours, including laws and regulations regarding minimum wages, overtime, maximum working hours, piece rate rates, and other parts of compensation, and provide legally prescribed benefits. If local laws do not stipulate the payment of overtime wages, the manufacturer should at least pay normal wages for overtime work. Unless there are special business circumstances, manufacturers shall not require employees to work more than the shorter of (a) working hours per week, or (b) restrictions on normal and overtime working hours allowed by local laws. If local laws do not restrict working hours, it shall be an additional working hour beyond the normal working week in the relevant country. In addition, unless there are special business circumstances, employees have the right to take at least one day off in every seven day cycle.

If the local industry standards are higher than the relevant legal requirements, we expect manufacturers to comply with higher standards.

environmental protection

The manufacturer will comply with all relevant environmental protection laws and regulations.

Other laws

Manufacturers will comply with all relevant laws and regulations, including those related to the manufacturing, pricing, sales, and distribution of goods.

All references to relevant laws and regulations in this Code of Conduct include local and national laws, regulations, and related treaties, as well as voluntary industry standard subcontracting. Without Disney's express written consent, manufacturers may not hire subcontractors to manufacture Disney products or their parts, and may only hire subcontractors after they have signed a written commitment with Disney to comply with this Code of Conduct.

Monitoring and compliance with the law

The manufacturer will authorize Disney and its designated agents (including third parties) to engage in monitoring activities to confirm compliance with this Code of Conduct, including on-site inspections of manufacturing facilities and employer provided housing without notice; Review accounting books and records related to employment matters; And conduct personal interviews with employees. The manufacturer will maintain all necessary documents on site to demonstrate compliance with this Code of Conduct.


The manufacturer will take appropriate steps to ensure that this Code of Conduct is disseminated to all employees, including posting a copy of this Code of Conduct in the local language in prominent locations where all employees can access it at any time.

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