
Exploring Guangdong - Beide Shaoguan 2-day Tour

Data: 2018-08-20 Views: 677

People walk in the air, scenery is at their feet

Exploring Shaoguan - Baide Shaoguan Two Day Tour ★ 'Tour' thrills and stimulates the first glass bridge in Shaoguan, Guangdong Province

★ 'Drifting' Beijing Pearl River First Drifting Baizhang Cliff Drifting

★ 'View' One of the Eight Scenic Spots of Yunmen Mountain in Shaoguan, formerly known as Ruyuan - Xiuding Qiyun

Here comes the reward for achieving the July motivation goal that I have in mind~

Exceeding the incentive target in July, elite babies

Finally, we can gather enough mahjong for the 'Five Table'


You got up early on July 18th

The journey starting at 8:10 am

You guys wake up at 6:30

Still blowing my hair in the dormitory at 7:30

I really have a lot of longing for this trip


Day 1 of the itinerary

You went rafting on Baizhang Cliff

Choked several mouthfuls of water

Surprise, expected

Is there any wood?


Relieve the thrilling drift

With immense curiosity

Visited the Maba Man Site


The first day passed like this, turning on the eating mode

How dare you order so many vegetables


The agreed 'five person table' mahjong has been replaced with a skewer and playing cards


Day 2 of the itinerary

After eating and drinking, I went to Yunmen Mountain Scenic Area

Climbing the mountain

Took a cable car


The Bede flag is a flapping artifact


Come down the mountain and take a picture, never forget

Finally, I went to the glass bridge where the editor couldn't even look down


What kind of ghost is fear?

Stepping on a hundred zhang cliff

Standing and lying down, So easy


Having experienced thrills and excitement

Swimming through mountains, playing with water, admiring flowers, and observing clouds

The two-day trip to Shaoguan has come to a successful end

Go back and get together again next time!

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